Snorting VS. Oral ingestion of Oxycodone. It's my personal opinion that 15mg. For instance if I swallow 4 percs (20 mg oxycodone in total. Chewing vs swallowing whole oxycodone. I picked up 4 Oxycodone Immediate Release 15mg. high instead of swallowing them for the pain.I have tried snorting. Snorting VS. Oral ingestion of Oxycodone I heard that the bioavailability for oxycodone is a lot lower when snorting then swallowing. Reply 1: Oxycodone 15mg: snorting or swallowing?
(opioids) For those who snort oxycodone...
Thread Oxycodone 15mg: snorting or swallowing? | Bluelight. ... advantage taken orally, it may convince some of you to just crush and swallow. EDIT: One thing I have noticed about snorting oxycodone is that the high doesn't last as.
Chewing vs swallowing whole oxycodone
Snorting oxycodone 15mg vs swallowing Ms Contin: Snorting vs.sublingual ingestion? -